There are many ways to donate!

Online Contributions with Vanco Giving Plus 

Between demanding family and work schedules or just trying to get out the door for church on time, it can be a challenge to tithe on a regular basis as God calls us to do.  For many of us, the church is the last place where we are still using a checkbook or cash.  Crown of Life offers online giving for families to easily give one-time, as well as weekly or monthly gifts.  CLICK HERE  to make a donation.  You can choose to set up a weekly or monthly schedule.  It's as easy as online shopping or banking.  Just follow the simple instructions.

Amazon Wish List

Crown of Life created an online wish list to make donating easier while fulfilling specific requests. Whether supplementing an outreach event, or supplies needed for preschool, or items to enhance the church facility you can help donate exactly what is needed.  CLICK HERE to view and order items, which will be shipped directly to Crown of Life.

Ink and Toner Cartridges

What do you do with your empty ink and toner cartridges? Did you know Crown of Life is eligible to receive rewards when we recycle up to 30 ink cartridges a month? If you have empty cartridges, please drop them off in the church office; any and all brands are accepted. Your donations will help us save money when purchasing office supplies through Staples.

Bottle and Can Drive

All funds collected through the pop can drive goes towards capital improvements. Every little bit makes a big difference! Place your clean, empty returnable bottles/cans in the credenza bins in the church lobby labeled, “Pop Can Drive.”

Thrivent Choice Dollars

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has a grant program called Thrivent Choice. Please prayerfully consider directing your Choice Dollars to the mission and ministry of Crown of Life Lutheran Church and Preschool.